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(Symbolizing the “New Negro” generation of the 1920s)


Institute of Ancient West African

“Spirituality and Intellectuality”

“Wisdom and Knowledge of the Black Experience”






         African American's SoulViewWorld, located in the Galaxy of AfroSacredStars, uses Ancient West African "spirituality and intellectuality" to energize and fortify the Game Black People Play.


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Ben and Bertha Benjamin Institute


         The Grandpa! Tell us a Story/Drinking from Ancient Wells-Series of books are about the transition of Black history into a written historical concept based on the AfroSacredStars (see about us). Some people like to swim around on the surface of the ocean of the Black experience, among familiar faces and places, and others like to deep-sea dive and get to know unfamiliar faces and places; why not do both?


To first time visitors, if you like the pages on this website, Truths, About Us, Meaning of AfroSacredStar, Historical Prospective, and Ancient African Intelligence, and you have a strong curiosity about the role street life played in history, you will entertained and enlightened by the journey in the books mentioned below.

And to the readers of Book One: The Game's Soul, of The Story of the Game Black people Play/Trilogy, the first step on the journey, also the ones who are thinking about reading it, and especially arm-chair historians investigating it, you will be entertained and enlightened by continuing the journey in Book Two: The Game's Mind, and Book Three: The Game's Heart.

Welcome to an investigative journey into the roots of the African American's soul, mind, heart, and circumstances: Where the goal is to define our twenty-first century selves from an Ancient West African perspective. (See Questions of Black Salvation/Black History and African Soul www.Soulviewworld.com).

As far as symbolism and art (the language and image of the soul) are concerned, Papa and Mama Seven (the two small stars), are the Mother and Father of our Historical Experience (the large star), is governed by the spirits of the Sacred Seven, the Seven Ancient Nations of our Ancestors. Together the stars symbolize the spiritual kingdom of our Ancestors located in the galaxy of Ancient West African Spirituality and Intellectuality, and define our place in it.

As far as the colors go, green symbolizes physical energy, red symbolizes spiritual energy, and the red and green lines in the stars symbolize the interactions of the energies between Our Game and its Ancient Ancestral Roots. In African Traditional Beliefs, physical energy dies when your life is over, but spiritual energy lives forever; in that sense, our Ancestors Game is alive in our Game. The three sacred stars on this websites home page symbolize the African Americans  Historical Spiritual Experience in America.(See The Story of the Game Black People Play/Trilogy; Book One: The Game's Soul; www.Soulviewworld.com)

From a symbolic point of view, our Historical Experience is a Spiritual Being with a Personality and Purpose; the Spirit of the Black world. The question becomes, what kind of personality do we have, and what is our purpose?

Our Historical Experience personality is; a love of dealing with ideas (like the Ancient Akan); who are artistic and love creativity (like the Ancient Yoruba); who love to play with people’s minds (like the Ancient Aja); who live by any means necessary laws of the jungle (like the Ancient Secree); who believe in family and individualistic democracy (like the Ancient Igbo; who love the process of colonizing (like the Ancient Nzere-Bantu); who love to build empires like the Ancient Wolof: (the details of  the above mentioned nations are found in  The AfroSacredStar Story--Ancient West African Spirituality.

On the other hand, our Historical Experience is a Warrior-Priest, who is dancing on its toes, bobbing and weaving like a boxer as he-she throws combinations of punches battling its way into and out of all kinds of situations, while on the pathway to its Chosen Destiny, this is its purpose.  (See The Story of the Game Black People Play/Trilogy Book Three: The Game's Heart. www.Soulviewworld.com).


As to symbolic form, the Stars symbolize that our soul is a planet in the universe of African Consciousness, and the brunt edges symbolize that it has been tested by the fires of time and circumstances.

On the other hand, the stars simply mean we are the spiritual Children of our Ancient West African Ancestors, personally and collectively, and the logic line governing the actions and re-actions of the chain of generations between them and us, is our Historical Experience=Black History. In this sense, the large star symbolizes our Historical Experience, and the two small stars symbolize its’ male and female aspects, called Mama SEVEN and Papa SEVEN. (See The Story of the Game Black People Play/Trilogy Book Two: The Game's Mind. www.Soulviewworld.com).


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